Live Oak at Constitution Green Park
A quick skate pitstop at this humungous live oak tree. 🌳
According to the City of Orlando’s website, this big Live Oak at Constitution Green Park in Downtown Orlando is probably 125-175 years old. The tree has recumbent branching on one side, with branches touching the ground. 💡
There’s actually a Tree Tour Map on their website too that mentions some of the oldest trees in the area (around 350-400 years old!). Other parks with notable trees include Mayor Carl T. Langford Park, Dickson Azalea Park, Lake Eola Park, Big Tree Park, Harry P. Leu Gardens, and Orlando Loch Haven Park. 🏙
Additional Fun Fact:
Apparently, a couple got married under this tree in 1931! And they actually have photos of their wedding and 25th anniversary underneath it. 👰🤵♂️